October 29, 1945 - March 22, 2024

In Loving Memory

David Grant McKay

On March 22, 2024, Grant passed away peacefully. Left to cherish his memory are his wife Sandra, his daughter Kelly and her husband Ian and grandson Evan, his brother Bruce, sisters, Heather and her husband Ian, Louise, nephews David and his wife Leah, Greg, Gavin and his wife Melissa, niece Kay and numerous extended friends and family.

He was predeceased by his son Jason.

Grant worked in the oil industry, mostly in Calgary and mostly in sales. He was great at his job and loved it.

His biggest passion was building and restoring airplanes so he could fly them. He and his dear friend Bob Petryk built the first Christen Eagle in Canada and competed in many competitions and Grant has the trophies to prove it!

Our family could not have gotten through this process without all the care that was shown to Grant over the past several months. To the care aids, nurses, doctors and the many earth angels:

You rock and thank you from the bottom of our hearts

A celebration of Grant’s life will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 3pm at the Kingfisher Community Society, 3337 Enderby Mabel Lake Rd, Enderby, BC V0E 1V5

Link to the guest book :


Arrangements entrusted to

Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services 250-546-7237

Condolences may be expressed to the family by phone or email through Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services:

T: 250-546-7237

2980 Smith Dr,
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B1

E: [email protected]

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Comments: 7

  1. Marlene and Gregg Kenward says:

    Sorry to hear of Grant’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. We will not be able to make the Celebration but we send our love to you and the family

  2. Kari Eidsness Hodges says:

    Hello Sandra
    I am so very sad for you and so sorry that you have lost your beloved Grant. I remember Grant as a kind man with a quick wit. I truly enjoyed the times I met him and was able to chat with him.
    You two made many wonderful memories together. Hold your memories close.
    Hugs to you and all of your family and friends that knew and loved Grant.
    Kari Eidsness Hodges and Darwin Hodges

  3. Vince Eidsness says:

    My sincere condolences Sandra on the loss of Grant

  4. Tom Lockhart says:

    Grant was one of the guys who started the Aerobatic Club of Alberta, some 40 years ago, and he served as its first president during its formative years. The club is still going strong today, and this speaks to the strong start it got under Grant’s leadership.

    Thank you Grant.

  5. Joanne Semeniuk says:

    My sincere condolence’s to you Sandra. Grant was always a character, so much fun, so many laughs, he will be missed.

  6. Joanne Semeniuk says:

    My sincere condolence’s to you Sandra. Grant was always a character, so much fun, so many laughs, he will be missed.

  7. Dave Zahenaiko says:

    I first met David ,or Grant as he introduced himself at a wedding we attended in Mable Lake.I’m from Rolling Hills Alberta. I fly a Beaver Rx 550 ultralight .So when I seen his Challenger parked by his house I had to stop and see it.When I was looking at it I heard a voice say come up and have a coffee. So I went up and had a very good visit with Grant. He took me out and showed me his corvette and pictures of his Christian Eagle.It was a very memorable visit and I often thought it would be nice to go visit again.I am sorry for your loss, It seems that he had a very exciting life and he did things that most men can ever only dream about.I am sure he is flying his Eagle again.I just found the card he gave me and thought I would look him up.We always tend to do things to late.

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