Barry Garth Hayes Browne

August 6, 1964 - September 29, 2024

In Loving Memory

Barry Garth Hayes Browne

It is with heartfelt sadness we announce that Barry Garth Hayes Browne passed away suddenly September 29th, 2024 in Kelowna, BC.

Arrangements entrusted to

Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services 250-766-4400

Condolences may be expressed to the family by phone or email through Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services:

T: 250-766-4400

10058 BC-97 #1B,
Lake Country, BC V4V 1P8


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Comments: 4

  1. Danny Pitt says:

    I have known Barry for 54 years—before I started Grade 1 on Bessborough Drive. He lived across the street in Leaside where Mom and Dad still live to this day. We were pals instantly. Building “hack bikes” from side-of-the-road garbage bikes, we had humongous leaf piles, formidable ice/snow forts, noisy pipe bombs attached to rockets, played semi-professional badminton, lifesaving and lifeguarding and playing squash for 3 summers at an indoor/outdoor pool facility at the JCC. Later in life we BBQ’d 1 1/2 inch steaks listening to his famous 70s/80s music, and after a few ales we played snooker on his beloved pool table. His music collection was incredible and exciting, and he was a good chef as well. This is a truly tragic loss for all his family and friends. You always knew where you stood relationally to him; he was brutally and beautifully honest. It breaks my heart that Barry is no longer with us, but I am certain that he’s playing billiards and darts with his loving God and Friend. I will miss you so much Barry Browne. May God bless and keep you and your AWESOME sense of humour forevermore…Danny Pitt, midtown T.O.

  2. Jim Renner says:

    Very sorry to hear about Barry’s passing. He and I talked about once a year and he always had a positive attitude. I’ll miss my friend.

  3. Ray Abell says:

    Barry and I worked together in his Atlanta years in the mid-90s. He always tried to involve me in his projects including fish and mussel studies on the Conasauga River and groundwater sampling in Puerto Rico. We became good friends over the years and spent many weekends swimming in his pool, drinking his good home brew while throwing darts or shooting those little snooker balls. I had a chance to visit him in Barrie where I meet his brother Scott and his family. We had been talking about me coming over to Kelowna soon; I wish now I would’ve pushed that to the top of my to-do list. We had a lot of fun together wherever we were, I will miss our phone calls late at night. Rest in peace my friend. (Scott please call me 770.843.0750)

  4. Drew Homewood says:

    I was saddened to hear of Barry’s sudden passing. I’d known Barry a loooooong time, way back to our kindergarten years. Though we didn’t see much of each other for some time, it was a treat to reconnect handling the sale of his parent’s home, then later Barry’s last home in Barrie ON. It made me smile to see the pic of Barry in his Tie-dye T-shirt, of which he had a huge collection. My kids and I all have ones gifted to us from Barry, from when we were weaning out his expansive wardrobe of colourful gems in his closet before his move west. Barry was an original, to put it mildly. Music lover, dart and snooker aficionado, with a personality as colourful as his attire. You’ll be missed by many brother. Godspeed.

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