Alfred Joseph Shether
April 29, 2024
In Loving Memory
Alfred Joseph Shether

Following a brief battle with cancer, Alfred Joseph Shether of Kamloops passed away on April 29, 2024, at 70 years of age with his family and buddy Dave by his side. He is survived by his loving partner Barbara Koren, his daughters Alice Shether, Lorraine (John) Weaver, grandchildren Samuel & William Weaver, and step-children Eben & Serena. Alf is greatly missed by his sisters Marlene, Nancy & Nora and their partners, his first wife Cathy Shether, his close friends and numerous nieces & nephews.
Alf grew up in the Surrey area and made many lifelong friends at school and in his neighbourhood, getting up to all kinds of mischief. He attended Princess Margaret High School and graduated on the honour roll.
In his early twenties, following a short stint at Kentucky Fried Chicken, Alf joined CP Rail as a Trainman. He spent his working career with CP, advancing to Locomotive Engineer and held positions in the lower mainland, Cranbrook, and finally settled in Kamloops in 1983.
He married his first wife Cathy in 1978 and they had two children Lorri (1981) and Alice (1985). The family spent time together camping and skiing with friends and family all over the province. Alf loved being a father, and after many happy years raising their daughters together in Barnhartvale, Cathy and Alf separated amicably in 2003.
As a young man, Alf shared his love of outdoor activities such as sailing, hunting, fishing, camping and skiing with his friends and family, travelling throughout BC to spend time in nature. Like his father Clarence, Alf was very handy and enjoyed fixing things around the house and helping others with their renovations or their vehicles. He was also musical, taking after his mother Merle who was a piano teacher, and in his early life he enjoyed playing the saxophone and the guitar.
In 2004 Alf met his current wife Barbara and they have spent 20 wonderful years together travelling, exploring and enjoying the outdoors. Together they worked on their Spanish and spent time touring Central America, South America and Europe creating many happy memories. A favourite spot closer to home was the Kootenays and the Hot Springs at Nakusp became a special place for Alf.
Alf has also enjoyed his time singing bass in two local choirs, fixing and riding his motorcycles and socializing with his friends and family. An engaging storyteller, Alf always made time to connect with people and especially loved to make them laugh. Remembered by many as a ‘gentle giant’ his Donald Duck impression was always a hit with the nieces and nephews. His motorcycle buddies will remember his fondness for trips to admire a view and sink a pint, preferably travelling on a windy backroad, taking his time to get to the destination.
Alf’s family wishes to thank the team at the Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Memorial Hospice for their kind and supportive care during Alf’s final weeks.
A gathering to remember Alf will take place in Kamloops on Sunday, June 23, 2024, from 2-4pm at St. Paul’s Cathedral in the Hall, 360 Nicola Street (Hall Entrance is at the west end of the building). Light refreshments will be provided. Please come to share your stories and memories of Alf with his family and friends. If you wish to submit photos to the slideshow please email them to his daughters at: [email protected]. In Memory of Alf, donations may be made to the Kamloops Hospice Association or a charity of your choice.
Arrangements entrusted to
Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services 250-554-2324
Condolences may be expressed to the family by phone or email through Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services:
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Comments: 4
My Sincere and Heartfelt Condolences to the Families and Friends of Alf. He was a Wonderful Friend, always so kind and considerate. I will miss him always 💙
RIP Alf.
We met Alf on a motorcycle trip (he was on his way back from South and Central America on his KLR650) and became fast friends. His jokes and great spirit made him a joy to be with. On that first casual meeting in Pennsylvania, at our mutual rest stops, I invited Alf and his then travel companion, Jaakko (since Colombia, I think), to visit me in Montreal and stay with my family. We toured Montreal on our bikes and had a great time. Alf seemed to enjoy himself immensely. I then rode to Kingston with Alf where he was visiting one of his daughters before returning to BC (without Jaakko). It is with terrible sadness that I send my sympathies. We stayed in touch sporadically through the web, but I had not spoken with Alf in a while. His wonderful spirit and great sense of humor will be missed..
Brian Lourenço
Very sorry to read of Alf’s passing. We had great times together in Barnhartvale and happy memories of the dinner parties with Alf and Cathy; Louise and Kerry and Judy and Flav. Kids soccer games and play groups brought the families together in simpler times. Condolences to Alf’s families.
I met Alf in Peru after visiting Macchu Picchu. He was taking pictures of beautiful Andies on the road side. I stoppet my bike and asked if everything was OK. He answered yes…and then asked me if we can ride together. That we really did! Our thoughs about life and all were so similar although I have lived in Finland for most of my life. We had so nice conversations about all and everything.
We made also a long bike trip to Alaska and Northern Territories. What an epic trip!
Alf and Barbara visited also Finland and I could show them something about our life here in hockey country.
I miss my good friend so much. His good sense
of humor and stories are part of my life for ever.
My Condelenses to Alf’s family and friends
Jaakko Antila & Bmw
and family here in Finland