Tony Patrick Hudson

March 22, 2021

In Loving Memory

Tony Patrick Hudson

Tony Patrick Hudson of Vernon, BC, passed away on March 22nd, 2021, at 60 years of age. He is survived by his loving daughters Bray-Lyn Hudson of Kongsberg, Norway, and Taylor Hudson of Kamloops, BC. Also left to cherish his memory are his sisters Susan Hudson, Heather Penner, and Rachel Hudson, his brother Richard Hudson, and his mother Marguerite Hudson. Tony was predeceased by his father George Leo Richard Hudson (Rocky).I think the things that come least expected are the ones that hurt the most, because you never knew the last time would be the last time. It is hard to put into words the man my dad was, but if you knew him you just get it. My dad was an amazing human being, and I will forever be grateful to have a dad like him. He was someone who had a lot of struggles and hardships throughout his life but never let those impact who he was as a person. My dad could be having the worst day, and I swear he could either make you laugh or smile no matter who you were. He never made people feel unwelcome and was one of the least judgmental people I knew. Relationships are hard and especially with parents and that is okay but please never forget to tell them you love them. Tell them every chance you get because life is short, and you truly never know when the last time will be the last. My dad loved my sister and I so much and he never failed to let anyone know how proud he was to be our dad. Get him talking about his daughters or his favourite bands and I promise you, you will never see someone light up so much while talking about something. It was one of my favourite things about him and something I am really going to miss. He loved the saying “life throws you a curve ball, all you can do is try to hit it” and he definitely stood by that his entire life because he never gave up. He could make any day better and he just always knew what to say. He was nowhere close to being perfect, as no one is, but he was so beautifully imperfect in my eyes. He truly was one of a kind. He loved his profession as being a chef, loved golfing, music and loved everyone he surrounded himself with. He experienced some crazy, amazing and once in a lifetime opportunities and got to tell the best stories from all of them. I will miss those stories so much. He made friends anywhere he went and left a mark on anyone he met. I know that he is at peace now and was happy with the life he had lived even if it was way too soon. He will continue to be with us in whatever we do, and he will never be forgotten. Everything I do, will be for you daddy. You make me want to be a better person and every day I will strive to be even just half the person you were. You will be with me through everything I do, I know that. I will never stop living this life for you. Thank you for everything daddy. I love you with my whole heart so much. I miss you so much it hurts. Until next time, forever your little girl. Love, TaylorI’m not one for putting my thoughts into words very well, but I’m going to try. My dad did a way better job at that then I do, as he always knew what to say to put a smile on my face when I needed it most. He took every opportunity to make people laugh and smile. Even if you only met him for 5 minutes, I can guarantee he made you smile. He was the kind of person people remember meeting because he was so kind to everyone. He was the person that would ask how someone is doing, and genuinely care what their response was. The friends and family he kept close always knew they were important to him no matter what, because he would never let anyone forget it.Telling my dad good news was one of my favourite things, because his reaction made it known how proud, and happy, he was for you. He loved seeing his loved ones happy and succeeding in whatever they chose to do. He never judged anyone for their choices, and always provided advice and support when needed. He always told me “it’s not about what happens to you, but how you react to it” and I think that is something everyone needs to be reminded of.If you weren’t fond of music, I bet he could have convinced you otherwise. He loved music so much and went to more concerts than anyone I’ve ever known. Just when I thought I heard all the concert stories he had, he would surprise me with a new one. We have always connected through music, and now whenever I need him, I’ll put on some Tragically Hip and I’ll know he’s right there listening with me.He was by no means perfect, but I don’t care because he was my dad, and he was one of a kind. Although this past year has been one of the hardest years of my life, and was the same for him, we connected more than ever. I’m so grateful he figured out how to video chat, because it meant we could see and hear each other for every call. Anytime I was struggling he told me to never give up and try my best at everything I do. He never gave up when life threw him those curve balls, and neither will I.He told me he lived a great life and was happy and proud of all the amazing and unique things he had done in almost 61 years. He was taken from us way too soon, and imagining life without him here is unfathomable, but I’m so grateful for all the stories and memories I have. I couldn’t have asked for a dad prouder to be my dad than you, and I know you will always be with me in everything I do. I love you and I miss you forever, see you on the other side. Love, Bray-Lyn.

Arrangements entrusted to

Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services 250-554-2324

Condolences may be expressed to the family by phone or email through Cypress Funeral & Cremation Services:

T: 250-554-2324 F: 250.554.3505

665 Tranquille Rd #4,
Kamloops, BC V2B 3H7

E: [email protected]

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